medmont topographer
At Crystal Vision Optometry we offer a procedure called Corneal topography via our Medmont Topographer, this is a procedure used to monitor and measure changes that may occur to the shape and integrity of the cornea of your eye.
Medmont Topographer projects a series of illuminated rings, referred to as a Placido disc, onto the surface of the cornea, which are reflected back into the instrument. After analyzing the reflected rings of light, the computer generates a topographical map of the cornea. The images produced by the topographer can be helpful for your eye doctor when analyzing the health of your eyes. |
The Cornea
The transparent, dome-shaped tissue covering the iris and the pupil. The cornea provides 2/3 of the refracting power to the eye. The cornea is a remarkable piece of tissue made up of specialized cells. There are no blood vessels in the cornea to provide it nourishment. The cornea receives most of its nourishment directly from the tears on the surface and through the aqueous humor (a fluid that fills the anterior chamber of the eye) from inside the eye. Because the cornea is like a lens, it must be completely transparent and blood vessels would interfere with the focusing process. What Medmont Topographer Reveals Corneal topography gives a wealth of information about the eye in different areas: